Friday, May 27, 2011

Psalms 5: 1-3

Psalms 5:1-3
vs 1.  GIVE ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation.

vs 2.  Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.

vs 3.  My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

God, we thank you that when we cry out to you, you hear us.  That even though at times it seems like You don't hear us, You always do! 

When we truly cry unto the Lord, and pour our hearts out to Him, He will hear us!  The next step after pouring our hearts out, crying out to Him, praying, is LISTENING to what HE has to say to us.  So many times we miss out on what He has to say to us, because we get in such a hurry.  We barley make time to pray, let alone make time to listen for His still small voice.

Also, crying out to God, doesn't just have to be when we are in times of distress, or burdened down, or going through trials.  We can cry out to God to grow closer to Him, we cry out to God to help us be a better christian.  We cry out to God to WORSHIP HIM!!!!!!

Sometimes, as I believe I have mentioned in previous studies, we may not have the words to say, but God understands our tears.  He understands our hearts, He understands us!

I will direct my prayer to thee Lord, and I will look up.  We have to look up to Jesus!  We have to put our trust in Him. 

~CHALLENGE~ * find the verse in the bible that mentions, I look unto the Hills from whence cometh my help*

Lord, help me to always, have time for YOU!!!!! 

There may be times when we feel alone, forgotten even, but we never are.  God is always there!!!  He never leave's us, but we do walk off and leave Him.

Friends and family may forsake you, but GOD NEVER WILL!!!!!  For lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of the world ~find this scripture~

Let's all take time after we pray, to LISTEN!!!!!!!  and not just to listen, but to be obediant!!

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Minsitry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Isaiah 1:2-5

 I know it has been a long time since I have done a bible study and I pray that you can forgive me. 

I want to start back with a verse that God laid on my heart and I didn't even know what it said until I opened my bible and read it.  It's not about a woman, but something I believe is very important,of course the whole word of God is important.

Isaiah 1:2
Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.
Vs 3.  The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.
vs 4.  Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil doers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are ogne away backward.
vs 5.  Why should ye be stricken any more?  ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

I believe that now more than ever, God is calling His children back to Him.  He is calling His children out, to stand and put on the whole armour of God and STAND!!    Just like when we raise our children and they get to the age that they begin to rebel, we rebel against God.  We don't stop and think about it that way, but that is exactly what we do.  When we don't listen to God and obey Him we are rebelling against Him.  Verse 3 talks about an ox knowing his owner and an ass knowing where he belongs, but Israel does not know, do not consider. 
I believe that sometimes no matter how long we have been saved, we forget who we are in God.  We forget about the power that belongs to us in Christ Jesus and this is when satan begins to walk all over us. 
America as we know has turned her back on God.  America has forgotten what this nation was founded on.  Vs 5 says the whole head is sick.  When the head is sick, the body is sick.  If the "Head" of our church's, the pastor's, assistant pastors, teachers, deacons, etc, would begin to line up with the word of God, we would begin to see our church's in better shape. 
We are in the last days and it is no time to be playing around.  It is time to get serious.  It's time to start walking the path that God has laid out for us.  We need to stop compromising!  Vs 4 talks about a sinful nation.  America is a sinful nation, and it's time to get back to God!!  They have forsaken God, forsaken Jesus the very one who gave up His life and rose again so that we might live!
God, help me to remain ever faithful to you and the call you have on my life.  May I be a light to others in darkness.  May I have compassion!

I just believe that it's time for the children of God to RISE UP and declare Jesus is Lord!  We have VICTORY!!!  WE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May you all be blessed and remain faithful to God.  May He use you, lead you and direct you.  May your life be a light to others.

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use You~
* A Heart Adorned Women's Minsitry*
~Adorned with God~
Evang. Patti Smith

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Harvest Time

Part of the song from Crabb Family

See the grain, yellow in the fields, setting sun shines down to reveal, the night's closing in - and it's harvest time....
Cant' you hear the many voices crying, no hope, no God, their dying in sin
Can't afford to stop our preaching, on the other hand, we can't stop singing for them
We must bring  them in.....

We have to get busy. The fields are riped for the harvesting.  and no I'm not talking

So we ask ourselves, what can we do?  We Witness!!!  What if I'm shy?  Ask God to give you the courage to witness to someone about Jesus!  It's so important!!!  Time is running out!!
What if they don't listen?  It's so very sad when they dont, but you did your part.

Jesus knew there would still be some who did not accept Him, even after He gave His life, but He did it anyway!!

I know it seems I say this a lot, but CHRISTIANS, time is running out, and we have a lost and dying world that needs JESUS!!!!!! 

One of the things that A Heart Adorned Women's Minsitry is about, is bringing women together, teaching, learning, loving, growing, understanding.  Witnessing!  Beginning to grow into what God wants us to be!
I may not can get on a one on one with you, but through this, I hope we can become friends and you know that I'm here...I may not even know you personally but I pray for you, where ever you are, whatever you're going through, and I hope that you pray for me.
Maybe someday if God allows I can get a group together at least locally.

If there are any of you in the southeastern oklahoma area, I will be holding a women's conference in Coalgate Ok, May 20th - 21st, at Gospel Lighthouse PCG and for those i guess around dallas, corsicana, and around east texas, i will be holding one at Church on the Rock in Rice Tx, June 17th - 18th..message me at

Are you promoting yourself? No.  I'm inviting those who may not be on my fb, but who are reading these blog's.....this ministry, these women's conference's are not about me, but all about God!!! He opens the doors, He makes the way, He is the soul saver, life giver, deliever, healer, filler...etc...I am just His vessle!

Let's begin to pray for God to help us be, who He has called us to be.  Let's begin to pray for courage to get out there and witness to people.  Time is short, and Jesus is coming soon....
Let's pray for our leaders, and let's pray that AMERICA will turn back to GOD!!!!

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adornd Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith

Monday, May 9, 2011

Blessed be the Name of the Lord

Hello Pretty Ladies!
Pray you all have a blessed & happy mother's day.  I did. Sarah picked me flowers, and her and my wonderful hubby took me out to eat chinese food after church, and then I got to come home and relax.  I was very blessed.

Today I want to talk about the Lord being our strong tower and our refuge.

*Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be the name of the Lord, most high.
The name of the Lord, is a strong tower, which the righteous run in to, and are saved.

Thank God that He is our strong tower, He is our refuge.  That we are sheltered in His arms.
Our lives can get hectic, we can go through so many trials, but I'm glad to know that when the storms of life come, that Jesus is my hiding place, my refuge!  A strong tower, where we can go and get strength!

We have a place that we can go when we begin to feel overwhelmed, when the burdans get to hard, when the storms are raging.  We can be safe in Jesus!  We know that He is going to guide us, protect us.  Jesus is that Lighthouse, shining the light for us!  Praise Him!!!!

Blessed be the Lord! 
There's another song I like that says
Blessed be your name, when the sun's shining down on me
when the world's all as it should be- blessed be your name
Blessed be your name on the road marked with suffering
those their pain in the offering
blessed be your name

Every blessing you pour out, I'll turn back to praise
when the darkness closes in - still I"m gonna say

Blessed be the name of the Lord- Blessed be your name Jesus
Blessed be the name of the Lord - Blessed be your Holy Name

No matte what is going on around us, we can still say Blessed be the name of the Lord!!

I'm pressed but not crushed
persecuted but not abandoned
struck down, but not destroyed
I'm blessed beyond the curse,
for His promise will endure
And His joy will be my strength

though sorrow may last for the night, His joy come's in the morning

I'm trading my sorrow, I'm trading my shame
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord
I'm trading my sickness, I'm trading my pain
I'm laying them down, for the joy of the Lord

saying Yes Lord, yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, Yes yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord, Aman

I know I'm stuck on songs today....sorry, but it's good to have a song in your heart.

Ok, you ladies tell me, when youre feeling down or discouraged, what's your favorite song?

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

In Honor of Mother's Day!!!!!!
For all of you special Mom's out there, whether you have children of your own, or your like a mom to that special child.  May you have a blessed & happy Mother's Day!!!

I remember growing up, I was never emberassed to kiss my mom in front of my friends.  I was never ashamed of either of my parents.  My mom was and is my best friend.  I thank God that when I became an adult, I begin to appreciate her even more, and as I became a mother, understood her even more.  I am so thankful that God chose to make her My Mom!!

She has been there for me through thick and thin.  She has been a shining example to me.  She has raised me to love God and honor Him!  She has prayed for me and continues to do so. 
Mom, I love you with all my heart, and I will never forget how you have prayed for me, loved me, taught me, disclipined me, brought me up in church, and everything you have ever done for me.  May God bless you greatly!!!!!!  I LOVE YOU & CHERISH YOU ALWAYS!!!

I would like to look at two different mother's in the bible.  Mary the mother of Jesus, and Hannah, the mother of Samuel.  We have studied both of these women, but in honor of mother's day, I want to look at them as mother's.  Mary the mother of Jesus, was young when the angel came and told her she would carry and give birth to a child.  I'm sure as Jesus was born, Mary gazed on him in love and adoration.  Not only was he a precious baby, but very special.  I'm sure her love for him only grew more each day as our's have done with our children.  Watching him grow, teaching him, loving him, and then the ultimate trial.  Loving her son and watching him give his life for us, all sinners so that we would have a chance.  I'm sure as she watched them beat her son, mock him, ridicule him, her heart broke into a million pieces.  I'm sure she probably wanted to lash out at them, to take his place, but she knew God's plan, she knew it had to be Jesus that died.  But you see, she had the promise, that he would not stay dead, but rise again, as we have the promise that our loved ones are not 'dead', but live with Jesus and we will meet them again someday, and what a glorious day that will be, because not only will we see our loved ones, but we will be with the king of Kings and Lord of Lord's. 

As mother's, we would gladly take our children's place when their sick, or hurting.  We would lay down our lives for our children because we love them so much.  Jesus love's us even more.  He laid down His life, and then rose again, because He loves us!  Unworthy us, but He love us anyway.

Hannah, prayed for a child and God blessed her with Samuel.  She promised God that when He gave her Samuel, she would give him back to God.  When Samuel became old enough, Hannah loved  him so much, she knew the most important thing was for him to be in God's will.  So she took him to Eli so he could teach him God's ways.  We all know that Samuel heard God call him, and thought that it was Eli, going to Eli three times, Eli finally telling him to answer Here I am.
Some may say that Hannah didn't care for Samuel or didnt' love him and that's why she took him to Eli.  But it was because Hannah loved him that she took him to Eli.  Hannah loved Samuel so much that she wanted God to use him.  She wanted Samuel to be in a place where he would obey God and hear God speak to Him.  Because of Hannah's sacrafice, God blessed her with more children, not to replace Samuel, no child can be replaced, but more children to love. 

Do we love our children enough to put aside our "plans" for them and pray God's will in their lives?  Are we praying a hedge of protection around them?
I pray that I am being the mother God expects me to be.

 I want to hear from you.  Tell me about your Mom's. 
The challenge:  if you noticed I didn't tell where either of those stories were at in the bible, so you find them and tell me :)

And once again to all of you beautiful Mother's out there, whether it's by your own blood, or being a "mom" to that special child - MAY YOU HAVE A BLESSED & HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

~A Heart Adorned Women's Minsitry~
*Adorned with God*

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith