So have you ever had anyone tell you that God can't use you because you're a woman? Well, my sisters out there, that is wrong! God CAN use YOU and He wants to use You! All throughout the bible, God uses women. The most obvious thing He used them for was to give birth, but He also used them in other ways....the woman at the well, once Jesus had forgiven her of her sins, she went into the city telling of Him and what He did for her. Esther was a handmaid, put into the position of queen, so God could get done what He wanted done.
Yes the bible says that we are to submit to our husbands and that they are the head of the house, so I'm not telling you to begin to think you are over your husband because that would be wrong. All I'm wanting you to understand is that God can use you too.
For example, my husband and I work in the ministry together. He preaches, I sing and do some preaching too, and God sometimes uses me in other ways too. Now you are probably saying, well what if I can't sing, play an instrument, preach, or anything like that? God can still use You! You can be a witness, you can teach a class, you can testify, you can reach out to other women, you can be a listener...what if you're not called to teach....God can still use you. You can PRAY!! Yes, God needs more prayer warriors out there, He needs more people to tell of His goodness and love.
Through these bible studies we are going to look at all the women in the bible, we are going to discuss what it's like to be a women today, and we're going to learn how to step up and be who God wants us to be. I may not get one posted everyday but I'm going to try my best. We will stay on each woman til God says it's time to move on. Please feel free to post your comments, you're thoughts, you're feelings, your ideas...this is a bible study, open discussion...just because we're not in the same room, doesn't mean we can't do a bible study together. If you have prayer request, post them and we will pray...there will be no judgemental words on here, just what the bible says...and we will show love and prayer....I will post the first lesson either later today or tomorrow, I wanted to post this first so everyone would know about it.
May God bless you all, look forward to doing bible study with you!
Workin for the Master
Evang. Patti Smith
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