Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hello Beautiful ladies!
Can you believe it's already June?!  This year is half way over already...time goes by so fast.
Past time to get busy for the Lord!!

I love thee Lord and I lift my voice to worship you - oh my soul rejoices - take joy my king in what you here, let it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear.
~love that song~

I want God to find favor in me.  I want Him to take joy when I worship Him.  I want to be ever atuned to Him and what He has to say to me.  I believe now is a time when we need to have our hearts prepared, when we need to be ever listening for that still small voice.  We need to be ready, that when God says go, we go, when God says do, we do!  Whatever it may be, wherever it may be, God will provide, God will take care of us.  He will never take us to mountain without helping us climb it, we will never face a trial, that He won't see us through.  Praise God!!
He is faithful.

~God almighty, Lord of Glory, You have called me friend~ 
Thank Him that He is closer than a brother, mother, sister, father, even closer than a friend!!!!

I want to be found doing something for God.  There are things that I need to do more, to be a better woman of God.  We are never good enough on our own, but through God!  Thank God that He sees what we Can Be!!!!!

I believe it's time to evaluate our walk and relationship with God!  Time to look in the mirror, to ask God to examine our hearts, and remove anything that shouldn't be there, and replace it with things of Him! 

Dear God,
I ask you right now, to look inside my heart.  Lord I ask that you remove anything there that doesn't need to be there.  Create in my a clean heart God, and make me more like you...None of me, all of You!!  I know I am not perfect, but I want to strive to be the woman of God, the wife and the mother that you have called me to be.  Help me stay atuned to You and sensitive to Your spirit.  My footsteps are ordered by you, keep me in Your will!  Lord, for all those ladies out there who may read this, whatever situation their going through, whatever the age, I ask that You would reveal Your mighty power to them, open up their hearts to You.  Love them Lord in a way that only you can.  Help us to always find time, make time for You!  You are Everything!!!!
Lord, help the ladies to be sensitive to you, not to be afraid to let you use them in whatever way You see fit.  We love you Lord, In your sweet precious name, Aman!

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith

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