Friday, June 10, 2011

Lamentations 3

Lamentations 3 : 22-26

22.   It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

23.  They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness

24.  The LORD is my portion,  saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.

25.  The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

26.  It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD. 

I am so thankful this morning for God's mercy and grace.  If it weren't for His mercy and grace we would be so lost.  And He doesn't just offer mercy one time, but vs 23 says His mercies are new every morning.  Every morning when we wake up, there is new mercy!  And the word also says His grace is sufficient.  (find this vs)
Whatever we face, in any situation, His grace is sufficient.  His grace is enough!

The Lord is our portion.  We don't need anything else.  The Lord will always be enough.  I have a saying that God is the only one who can fill  you up, and yet you still want Him
 more and more!

The Lord is good unto them that wait upon Him.  All we have to do is wait on God.  He has been there for us before, He's still there.  We know that as children of God, He is going to be good to us! If He has brought us through a trial before, He's going to bring us through again.  Sometimes it's hard to "wait" on the Lord, but in Isaiah it says, Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint - and the song says, teach me Lord, teach me Lord to wait.

Do you ever just stop and think about God and His mercy and grace?  How much He loves us?  You know,  we really can't even begin to fathom it.  We were so unworthy and full of sin, and yet He loves us so much, He gave His only son, and Jesus loves us so much He gave His life, so that we might live.  Thank you Jesus! 

In whatever you are facing today, I want you to just begin to call on the name of Jesus.  Tell Him that He is your portion, that you believe in Him, His grace and mercy.  That you know He's good to you, and that you are not giving up, that you are going to wait on Him for the answer, you're going to wait on Him for the Victory.  Tell Him you know He is your way maker, problem solver, soul saver, that He is the blesser, the miralce worker and soon coming king.
Step out of your comfort zone, stop thinking about the situation, the problem you are in and all the negative, and start claiming who you are God.  Start claiming who Jesus is.  I promise you, you will begin to feel better.  Just by starting to praise Him, even though you don't feel like it, because giving God praise, is more than just a feeling, it's more than emotion, you will begin to feel better.

I am a child of God
I am the head and not the tail
I am confident
I am more than an overcomer
I am Victorious
I am Healed
*now you take it from here*

~Here's a saying they do at a church we go to sometimes~
*I am a child of God, every promise in His word is mine,
I pray, I believe, and I shall recieve in Jesus name! *

And here's what God gave me for this year way back the end of december

*Blessin's pouring out of Heaven in 2011* - halleluijah, praise the Lord!!!!!

~Be blessed & Be encouraged ~ God can use you
~A Heart Adornd Womens' Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith

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