Ok, so this lesson may not be WOW, but it's what God was giving me, so that makes it WOW!
What a crazy, hectic, busy world we live in.
Household chores
Just to name a few.....In our business, are we taking time for God? We give Him 10 percent of our tithes, are we giving Him our time too? We desperatly need to.
I know as women, we get so busy. We get tired from everything we've done during the day.
Working mom's, stay at home mom's (that is still a job), we're all BUSY!!
Women, have a tendecy to balance a million things at one time. We think that we have to be super mom, and maybe, some of us are....Sometimes, we overload ourselves. There should never be anything that comes before our familis except of course God, and there definatley should never be anything that comes before God.
~Be Still and Know that I am God~
Are we taking quiet time with God each day? It doesn't matter if it's in the morning, before anyone else gets up, if it's at night before we go to bed, or both. It if's in the middle of the day when you have found a few quiet moments, which is rare, I know. It doesn't matter when we do it, as long as we do it.
In the midst of whatever storm we may be going through, we can be calm, we can have peace, we can be "still" knowing that He is God and He is going to see us through.
For some women, I would say it was hard for them to be still. Constantly on the run, going here, going there, doing this, doing that. I am constantly on the go, everyone knows that, but I still have to find my quiet time with God.
One of the most important parts of prayer, is being still and listening for God to give you the answer. Trusting that He is going to give you the answer.
There's a song that The Issacs came out with, and the chorus goes like this:
Stand still, and let God move,
standing still is hard to do,
and I dont' know the rest...find it on youtube...lol
The point is, yes it is hard to be still, it's hard sometimes to take our hand's off our situations, it's hard to give God the control because that means we're no longer in control. But it is sooooo much better, when we give it to God.
All things work together for the good of those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
When the battle is raging, when you're nervous and upset....Be still and know that He is God!!!!!!!
Aren't you glad you Know He is God!!
I dont' think though, that this is talking about a physical stillness. It's spiritual. A calmness and stillness within.
A knowing that you know that He is God and nothing else matters.
So when you find yourselves getting busier, or you find yourself facing a storm, remember, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!!
CHALLENGE: Find a woman in the bible who was still and waited on God, or who knew that He was God and would bring her through...are there any?
~A Heart Adorned Women's Minsity~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
Friday, April 29, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
17th lesson - Make my house, a house of prayer!!
Hello Beautiful Ladies!! I'm so sorry it has been so long since I have done a study. I haven't been able to use my computer. I pray you are all being blessed.
Today I want to look at Prayer:
Matthew 21: 22 says
And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, Believing, ye shall recieve.
Praise God. It doesn't say maybe recieve, but shall recieve, but we have to Believe.
I have a daily quotations on my desk and this was yesterday's.
Let my house be a house of prayer, a happy home, a haven where my every task is offered there in service, Lord, to Thee.
As women, we have so many things we must do. Some of work on a job, and then have things at home to do too. Some of us like myself, are "homemakers" which in itself is a job, we just don't recieve money for it...lol.
We wash clothes, we sweep and mop the floors, we make the beds, we cook, we do dishes, etc, etc. Sometimes we can grow to resent these things. The same thing over, and over. Some of us have no help, some of us do. My husband is good at helping, and I'm teaching my daughter to put up her things and keep her room nice. She's five, and she does a pretty good job. She doesn't like it, but she is learning.
I like the part that says, "where my every task is offered there in service, Lord, to Thee". How, do you ask, is cleaning our house being in service to the Lord?
Well, I look at it like this, without the grace and mercy of the Lord, we would have no clothes to wash, nor anything to wash them in, we would have no food to eat, let alone dishes to wash, or a sink to wash them in, we wouldn't have a house to clean if it wasn't for God. If you want God to bless you with more, we have to take care of what He gives us to start with.
The word of God says a cheerful heart doeth good like a medicine. No, it isn't always fun cleaning, and doing laundry. Scrubbing the comode does not rank on my top most fun things to do...lol. But what would happen if we prayed and sang praises to God while doing our chores? I bet they would get done a lot faster....ha ha..
It says Let my house be a house of prayer, a happy home, a haven. I want to have a happy home. Our home's should be the place where we come in and find a "haven". Our homes should be the place where we can relax, and enjoy spending times with our families. A place, where we can spend time with God in prayer and reading our word without anyone telling us we can't.
When I was a teen, my room was my haven. If I'd had a tough day at school, or work, or just wasn't in the best of moods, I would go to my room, turn on my praise music and just set in there and pray, think, or read.
Our homes, should be our haven, outside the church. We have husbands, and kids, but no matter what we have going on, we should find a quiet time to be with the Lord.
We should, as families, pray together. The family that prays together, stays together.
What our kids see us doing, they will mock. As they grow older, they may depart from what they were taught, but I can promise you, it's not going to depart from them, because one day when their out doing whatever, it's going to come to their mind. The bible says to train your child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. They will find their way back.
House of prayer. When you hear this, you probably think of a church. But your home can be a house of prayer. Your home, no matter what you're going through, or what you're families going through, can be happy. The devil is going to fight, and he is coming against families stronger than He ever has. We have to be rooted in the word of God, praying for one another, lifting each other up before the Lord, praying together, trusting in God.
Matthew 21:22
Jesus promies, All things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, Believing , ye shall recieve. The key is to believe! When God makes a promise, He keeps His promies!
Four steps of Prayer:
1. the act of praying
2. Believing
3. Accepting
4. Praising God for the answer
Say your prayers, believe, accept no matter what the answer is and then give God praise for the answer...praise Him in advance!
~ Tell me how you feel about your house being a house of prayer~
*A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry*
~ A Heart adorned with God~
Evang. Patti Smith
~Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Being A Woman!!!
Being A Godly Woman!!!
What does it mean to be a Godly Woman?
What does it mean to seek God with our whole hearts?
A woman. Hmm. We can be so simple, yet so complex. Only God understand us. Sometimes, we don't even understand ourselves, so thank God He does....lol.
We as women were created not to walk behind our man, in front of our man, but BESIDE our man!
For those who are not married, pray and seek the one God wants you to have. Because if they are not the one God has for you, you don't need them!
What does being a woman mean to you?
Sometimes, we as women have to go to battle for our family.
I know I have used this refrenece time and time again, but Proverbs chapter 31 is the best example of a Godly woman! That chapter tells us how to conduct ourselves in a Godly manner, how to be a good wife, and how to be a good mother.
What if we are not mothers? You may not have children of your own, but you may not even realize, that to someone, you are a mother figure. Giving birth doesn't make you a "mama".
Now, we all know that we women can be emotional...our poor husbands...lol.....When we begin to feel like an emotional wreck, we just go to God in prayer right then. He will help us get though it! He is the only one who understands us.
Being a woman is more than being a wife, or a mother.
Being a Godly woman is more than just being a Godly woman in church or in your ministry. It's being a Godly woman in every aspect of your life. Handleing things the way God would want us too. Being in His will. Putting Him first.
Being a Godly woman is about reaching out to other women, no matter their walk of life. Teaching them and guiding them in a Godly manner the way God would want us too. Not juding them. Loving them, showing them.
Some women out there didn't have a mother figure, and they dont' know how to be a woman.
For instance. If a young lady walks into your church, and let's say they have on shorts and a tank top, how do you react? What are the thoughts that go through your mind? Well Sis. Patti are you saying it's ok to dress like that? No. I'm not. I'm saying, what if they have never been to church before? What if they are lost? What if that is all they have? Help them find Jesus, and then let God do the convicting. The best example is taught sometimes not through words, but by actions.
A young prostitute walked in the doors of the church and didn't even get to set down before the pastor walked back and told her that because of the way she was dressed, she would have to leave. The young woman left the church, and went to a secluded spot. A few hours later, the police came by the church with the woman's picture and ask the pastor if he had seen the woman. He said yes but that he had ask her to leave.
The police said well we found this note lying by her body.
The note read:
I tried the world and they didn't want me. I even tried God and He didn't want me.
What a sad, sad story. The blood of that young woman will be on that pastor's hands. Did it really matter if she wasn't dressed "appropiatly" when she was just trying to find God. The young woman left this world, thinking that God didn't want her because of the way she was dressed.
We do not have to convict people. GOD WILL!!!
I heard another pastor tell that story and it stuck with me. I myself, just like we all have, have been guilty of judging. The house of God should be respected and the Bible tells us we should offer our best, but when someone comes off the streets who have never been in church before and their just trying to find God, let them! And let GOD CONVICT!
Another mighty woman of God, Sis. Toby Hise from Eldorado Illinois, made this statement. "THE CHURCH AIN'T HEAVEN!" Bold statement? Yes it is. TRUTH? Yes it is. EVERYONE is suppose to be welcomed in the House of God.
What does being a woman mean to you?
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
Being A Godly Woman!!!
What does it mean to be a Godly Woman?
What does it mean to seek God with our whole hearts?
A woman. Hmm. We can be so simple, yet so complex. Only God understand us. Sometimes, we don't even understand ourselves, so thank God He does....lol.
We as women were created not to walk behind our man, in front of our man, but BESIDE our man!
For those who are not married, pray and seek the one God wants you to have. Because if they are not the one God has for you, you don't need them!
What does being a woman mean to you?
Sometimes, we as women have to go to battle for our family.
I know I have used this refrenece time and time again, but Proverbs chapter 31 is the best example of a Godly woman! That chapter tells us how to conduct ourselves in a Godly manner, how to be a good wife, and how to be a good mother.
What if we are not mothers? You may not have children of your own, but you may not even realize, that to someone, you are a mother figure. Giving birth doesn't make you a "mama".
Now, we all know that we women can be emotional...our poor husbands...lol.....When we begin to feel like an emotional wreck, we just go to God in prayer right then. He will help us get though it! He is the only one who understands us.
Being a woman is more than being a wife, or a mother.
Being a Godly woman is more than just being a Godly woman in church or in your ministry. It's being a Godly woman in every aspect of your life. Handleing things the way God would want us too. Being in His will. Putting Him first.
Being a Godly woman is about reaching out to other women, no matter their walk of life. Teaching them and guiding them in a Godly manner the way God would want us too. Not juding them. Loving them, showing them.
Some women out there didn't have a mother figure, and they dont' know how to be a woman.
For instance. If a young lady walks into your church, and let's say they have on shorts and a tank top, how do you react? What are the thoughts that go through your mind? Well Sis. Patti are you saying it's ok to dress like that? No. I'm not. I'm saying, what if they have never been to church before? What if they are lost? What if that is all they have? Help them find Jesus, and then let God do the convicting. The best example is taught sometimes not through words, but by actions.
A young prostitute walked in the doors of the church and didn't even get to set down before the pastor walked back and told her that because of the way she was dressed, she would have to leave. The young woman left the church, and went to a secluded spot. A few hours later, the police came by the church with the woman's picture and ask the pastor if he had seen the woman. He said yes but that he had ask her to leave.
The police said well we found this note lying by her body.
The note read:
I tried the world and they didn't want me. I even tried God and He didn't want me.
What a sad, sad story. The blood of that young woman will be on that pastor's hands. Did it really matter if she wasn't dressed "appropiatly" when she was just trying to find God. The young woman left this world, thinking that God didn't want her because of the way she was dressed.
We do not have to convict people. GOD WILL!!!
I heard another pastor tell that story and it stuck with me. I myself, just like we all have, have been guilty of judging. The house of God should be respected and the Bible tells us we should offer our best, but when someone comes off the streets who have never been in church before and their just trying to find God, let them! And let GOD CONVICT!
Another mighty woman of God, Sis. Toby Hise from Eldorado Illinois, made this statement. "THE CHURCH AIN'T HEAVEN!" Bold statement? Yes it is. TRUTH? Yes it is. EVERYONE is suppose to be welcomed in the House of God.
What does being a woman mean to you?
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hey Ladies,
Tomorrow I am going to be doing a lesson on Being A Woman. I would like for ya'll to drop me a comment or message me on what Being a woman means to you and I will include it in the lesson if you want me to...if not, I would still like to know.
I am blessed to be a woman!!! Please let me hear from you~
Be blessed & Be encourage ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
Tomorrow I am going to be doing a lesson on Being A Woman. I would like for ya'll to drop me a comment or message me on what Being a woman means to you and I will include it in the lesson if you want me to...if not, I would still like to know.
I am blessed to be a woman!!! Please let me hear from you~
Be blessed & Be encourage ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
Friday, April 1, 2011
A quick Note
Hello Ladies, pray you are all doing well and being blessed.
Today's lesson/ Sarah found in Genesis chapter 15 - 21
Sarah's name was Sarai before God changed it in chapter 17 vs 15. She bore no children and had an egyptian handmaid named Hagai. Since Sarah could not bare children she told Abraham to go into her handmaid. When Hagai concieved, she then despised Sarah. Abraham told Sarah to deal with her as she seen fit so she dealt hardly with her and Hagai left. When she was in wilderness, and angel of the Lord told her to go back.
In chapter 18, three men come and tell Sarah she will concieve. Sarah laughed. She was old...surly not now in her old age. When the men ask if Sarah laughed, she denied it.
In Gen chapter 21, God keeps His promise, Sarah concieves and bare's Issac.
Could you imagine being 90 years old and giving birth? That would have to be God! Of course, people in the bible day's lived to be a lot older. Still 90?
I'm sure though after years of waiting, and praying, when Sarah finally concieved and bore her child she was so happy and thrilled no matter how old she was....lol.
No matter her age, no matter the circumstance, God kept His promise!
No matter what you are going through, no matter how long you have been going through it, no matter the situation, when God makes a promise He keeps it! In His time!!
Sarah got tired of waiting though and told Abraham to go into Hagai. We can't give up no matter how long it may take. I know that at times, waiting and patiently waiting can get hard, but we have to keep trusting in God.
I want to know what you think about Sarah?
How do you think you would feel to be 90 and give birth?
How would you feel after praying for something for so long, your prayers were answered?
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
Today's lesson/ Sarah found in Genesis chapter 15 - 21
Sarah's name was Sarai before God changed it in chapter 17 vs 15. She bore no children and had an egyptian handmaid named Hagai. Since Sarah could not bare children she told Abraham to go into her handmaid. When Hagai concieved, she then despised Sarah. Abraham told Sarah to deal with her as she seen fit so she dealt hardly with her and Hagai left. When she was in wilderness, and angel of the Lord told her to go back.
In chapter 18, three men come and tell Sarah she will concieve. Sarah laughed. She was old...surly not now in her old age. When the men ask if Sarah laughed, she denied it.
In Gen chapter 21, God keeps His promise, Sarah concieves and bare's Issac.
Could you imagine being 90 years old and giving birth? That would have to be God! Of course, people in the bible day's lived to be a lot older. Still 90?
I'm sure though after years of waiting, and praying, when Sarah finally concieved and bore her child she was so happy and thrilled no matter how old she was....lol.
No matter her age, no matter the circumstance, God kept His promise!
No matter what you are going through, no matter how long you have been going through it, no matter the situation, when God makes a promise He keeps it! In His time!!
Sarah got tired of waiting though and told Abraham to go into Hagai. We can't give up no matter how long it may take. I know that at times, waiting and patiently waiting can get hard, but we have to keep trusting in God.
I want to know what you think about Sarah?
How do you think you would feel to be 90 and give birth?
How would you feel after praying for something for so long, your prayers were answered?
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
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