Ok, so this lesson may not be WOW, but it's what God was giving me, so that makes it WOW!
What a crazy, hectic, busy world we live in.
Household chores
Just to name a few.....In our business, are we taking time for God? We give Him 10 percent of our tithes, are we giving Him our time too? We desperatly need to.
I know as women, we get so busy. We get tired from everything we've done during the day.
Working mom's, stay at home mom's (that is still a job), we're all BUSY!!
Women, have a tendecy to balance a million things at one time. We think that we have to be super mom, and maybe, some of us are....Sometimes, we overload ourselves. There should never be anything that comes before our familis except of course God, and there definatley should never be anything that comes before God.
~Be Still and Know that I am God~
Are we taking quiet time with God each day? It doesn't matter if it's in the morning, before anyone else gets up, if it's at night before we go to bed, or both. It if's in the middle of the day when you have found a few quiet moments, which is rare, I know. It doesn't matter when we do it, as long as we do it.
In the midst of whatever storm we may be going through, we can be calm, we can have peace, we can be "still" knowing that He is God and He is going to see us through.
For some women, I would say it was hard for them to be still. Constantly on the run, going here, going there, doing this, doing that. I am constantly on the go, everyone knows that, but I still have to find my quiet time with God.
One of the most important parts of prayer, is being still and listening for God to give you the answer. Trusting that He is going to give you the answer.
There's a song that The Issacs came out with, and the chorus goes like this:
Stand still, and let God move,
standing still is hard to do,
and I dont' know the rest...find it on youtube...lol
The point is, yes it is hard to be still, it's hard sometimes to take our hand's off our situations, it's hard to give God the control because that means we're no longer in control. But it is sooooo much better, when we give it to God.
All things work together for the good of those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
When the battle is raging, when you're nervous and upset....Be still and know that He is God!!!!!!!
Aren't you glad you Know He is God!!
I dont' think though, that this is talking about a physical stillness. It's spiritual. A calmness and stillness within.
A knowing that you know that He is God and nothing else matters.
So when you find yourselves getting busier, or you find yourself facing a storm, remember, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!!
CHALLENGE: Find a woman in the bible who was still and waited on God, or who knew that He was God and would bring her through...are there any?
~A Heart Adorned Women's Minsity~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
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