Hello Beautiful Ladies!! I'm so sorry it has been so long since I have done a study. I haven't been able to use my computer. I pray you are all being blessed.
Today I want to look at Prayer:
Matthew 21: 22 says
And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, Believing, ye shall recieve.
Praise God. It doesn't say maybe recieve, but shall recieve, but we have to Believe.
I have a daily quotations on my desk and this was yesterday's.
Let my house be a house of prayer, a happy home, a haven where my every task is offered there in service, Lord, to Thee.
As women, we have so many things we must do. Some of work on a job, and then have things at home to do too. Some of us like myself, are "homemakers" which in itself is a job, we just don't recieve money for it...lol.
We wash clothes, we sweep and mop the floors, we make the beds, we cook, we do dishes, etc, etc. Sometimes we can grow to resent these things. The same thing over, and over. Some of us have no help, some of us do. My husband is good at helping, and I'm teaching my daughter to put up her things and keep her room nice. She's five, and she does a pretty good job. She doesn't like it, but she is learning.
I like the part that says, "where my every task is offered there in service, Lord, to Thee". How, do you ask, is cleaning our house being in service to the Lord?
Well, I look at it like this, without the grace and mercy of the Lord, we would have no clothes to wash, nor anything to wash them in, we would have no food to eat, let alone dishes to wash, or a sink to wash them in, we wouldn't have a house to clean if it wasn't for God. If you want God to bless you with more, we have to take care of what He gives us to start with.
The word of God says a cheerful heart doeth good like a medicine. No, it isn't always fun cleaning, and doing laundry. Scrubbing the comode does not rank on my top most fun things to do...lol. But what would happen if we prayed and sang praises to God while doing our chores? I bet they would get done a lot faster....ha ha..
It says Let my house be a house of prayer, a happy home, a haven. I want to have a happy home. Our home's should be the place where we come in and find a "haven". Our homes should be the place where we can relax, and enjoy spending times with our families. A place, where we can spend time with God in prayer and reading our word without anyone telling us we can't.
When I was a teen, my room was my haven. If I'd had a tough day at school, or work, or just wasn't in the best of moods, I would go to my room, turn on my praise music and just set in there and pray, think, or read.
Our homes, should be our haven, outside the church. We have husbands, and kids, but no matter what we have going on, we should find a quiet time to be with the Lord.
We should, as families, pray together. The family that prays together, stays together.
What our kids see us doing, they will mock. As they grow older, they may depart from what they were taught, but I can promise you, it's not going to depart from them, because one day when their out doing whatever, it's going to come to their mind. The bible says to train your child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. They will find their way back.
House of prayer. When you hear this, you probably think of a church. But your home can be a house of prayer. Your home, no matter what you're going through, or what you're families going through, can be happy. The devil is going to fight, and he is coming against families stronger than He ever has. We have to be rooted in the word of God, praying for one another, lifting each other up before the Lord, praying together, trusting in God.
Matthew 21:22
Jesus promies, All things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, Believing , ye shall recieve. The key is to believe! When God makes a promise, He keeps His promies!
Four steps of Prayer:
1. the act of praying
2. Believing
3. Accepting
4. Praising God for the answer
Say your prayers, believe, accept no matter what the answer is and then give God praise for the answer...praise Him in advance!
~ Tell me how you feel about your house being a house of prayer~
*A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry*
~ A Heart adorned with God~
Evang. Patti Smith
~Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
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