Hello Ladies, pray you are all doing well and being blessed.
Today's lesson/ Sarah found in Genesis chapter 15 - 21
Sarah's name was Sarai before God changed it in chapter 17 vs 15. She bore no children and had an egyptian handmaid named Hagai. Since Sarah could not bare children she told Abraham to go into her handmaid. When Hagai concieved, she then despised Sarah. Abraham told Sarah to deal with her as she seen fit so she dealt hardly with her and Hagai left. When she was in wilderness, and angel of the Lord told her to go back.
In chapter 18, three men come and tell Sarah she will concieve. Sarah laughed. She was old...surly not now in her old age. When the men ask if Sarah laughed, she denied it.
In Gen chapter 21, God keeps His promise, Sarah concieves and bare's Issac.
Could you imagine being 90 years old and giving birth? That would have to be God! Of course, people in the bible day's lived to be a lot older. Still 90?
I'm sure though after years of waiting, and praying, when Sarah finally concieved and bore her child she was so happy and thrilled no matter how old she was....lol.
No matter her age, no matter the circumstance, God kept His promise!
No matter what you are going through, no matter how long you have been going through it, no matter the situation, when God makes a promise He keeps it! In His time!!
Sarah got tired of waiting though and told Abraham to go into Hagai. We can't give up no matter how long it may take. I know that at times, waiting and patiently waiting can get hard, but we have to keep trusting in God.
I want to know what you think about Sarah?
How do you think you would feel to be 90 and give birth?
How would you feel after praying for something for so long, your prayers were answered?
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
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