Tuesday, March 29, 2011

lesson 17 - DELILAH - Judges 16 : 4-20

(Jdg 16:4)
(Jdg 16:5)
(Jdg 16:6)
(Jdg 16:7)
(Jdg 16:8)
(Jdg 16:9)
(Jdg 16:10)
(Jdg 16:11)
(Jdg 16:12)
(Jdg 16:13)
(Jdg 16:14)
(Jdg 16:15)
(Jdg 16:16)
(Jdg 16:17)
(Jdg 16:18)
(Jdg 16:19)
(Jdg 16:20)

My, my, my.  Sampson never should have told Delilah where his strength was at.  Is it worth it to have the Lord depart from you, in order to make someone else happy?

Delilah made Sampson think that she cared for him.  Told him if he really loved her then he would tell her when his strength was.  She was paid to get him to reveal his heart. 
We have to be so careful. There are some things in our "house" and I'm not talking about our physical house, that don't need to be told.  There are things in our heart that only we and God need to know about and there are some things in our hearts that only God knows.  God knows better than we do.  When the wise men came and seen baby Jesus, and spoke words, the bible says Mary kept these things in her heart.  We are not suppose to tell everything we know.  There are things that should be kept in our hearts and when and if there is a time for them to be revealed, God will let us know.  Delilah, was not God fearing.  She tricked Sampson into telling her his heart. 
Ladies, I don't believe I want to be like Delilah.  I dont' want to be selfish and trick someone into saying what I want to hear, or doing what I want done.  I don't want to sell out for money or any other reason.  Sampson gave up his heart, and the Lord depareted from him, and after he done it, he wished he wouldnt' have.  To me, you would think that after the three times that Delilah had tried what he had told her, that he would have known that she would shave his head. 
That's just like satan.  He will come at you and torture you, keep at you until he has made you weak and tired, and you give in.  We can't do that.  That's why we have to stay prayed up, read up, that's why we have to keep our armor on.  Satan can come as shiny, pretty, even beautiful things, that's why we have to be aware. A soldier doesn't go out into an open battlefield not prepared.  Neither should a soldier of God.  "All that glitter's ain't Gold".
Kind of goes back to a previous lesson.  Be prepared.  We do not fight battles of flesh, but spiritual battles.
What do you think of the story of Sampson and Delilah.  I'm not going to give the answers to the questions, some of you haven't answered yet, so I will wait on you and give the answers tomorrow.  Look forward to hearing from you.

trivia questions:
1.  What did Delilah do to Sampson's hair?

 2.  Why did she do it?
3.  What happened to Sampson after she done it?
4.  Was Delilah a God fearing woman?

Tomorrow's Lesson: Sarah

trivia questions for tomorrow:

1.  What was Sarah's name before God changed it?

2.  What did Sarah do when she heard she would have child?

3. How old was Sarah when she had the child?

4.  What was Sarah's handmaiden's name?

5.  What did Sarah name her son?

~Wednesday will be the last lesson until Friday.  There will be no lesson Thursday because we have a memorial service to do.  Please be in prayer for us.  Thank you so much.~

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*Adorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith
And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.
And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.
And when Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, Come up this once, for he hath shewed me all his heart. Then the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and brought money in their hand.
That he told her all his heart, and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon mine head; for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb: if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man.
And it came to pass, when she pressed him daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto death;
And she said unto him, How canst thou say, I love thee, when thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked me these three times, and hast not told me wherein thy great strength lieth.
And she fastened it with the pin, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awaked out of his sleep, and went away with the pin of the beam, and with the web.
And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web.
Delilah therefore took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And there were liers in wait abiding in the chamber. And he brake them from off his arms like a thread.
And he said unto her, If they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man.
And Delilah said unto Samson, Behold, thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: now tell me, I pray thee, wherewith thou mightest be bound.
Now there were men lying in wait, abiding with her in the chamber. And she said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he brake the withs, as a thread of tow is broken when it toucheth the fire. So his strength was not known.
Then the lords of the Philistines brought up to her seven green withs which had not been dried, and she bound him with them.
And Samson said unto her, If they bind me with seven green withs that were never dried, then shall I be weak, and be as another man.
And Delilah said to Samson, Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee.
And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.
And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.

Monday, March 28, 2011

16th Lesson/Hear me when I call/ Psalms 4

Hello Ladies.  I hope you are having a blessed day.  I hope you can all forgive me for being so lack last week in getting the studies posted.  We lost a dear friend last Tuesday and it was a shock to us.  But I still should have gotten these done. 
I don't know if any of you noticed that I edited my profile, but I want to share something with you all, before we get started with the lesson.  God laid it on my heart to beging a women's ministry.  The name of this ministry is ~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~.  I got the name from a picture I seen.  I believe God allowed me to see that picture.  This ministry is in no way about me.  I have felt led to begin to reach out to women, to pull them together.  I want to reach all women, not just those in the ministry but those are who are hurting, confused, lost, scared, those whose husband's may not be their spiritual leader, those who are not married, ALL WOMEN of ALL WALKS of life.  I am just going to let God lead me and guide me in this new direction. 
What is it all about?  How are you going to reach them?
God has begin to open up new places for women conferences.  I will continue doing these bible studies, I will minister to them however I can, whenever I can, however, whenever God opens up a door, or a way.  Eventually I would like to have a Team of saved, blood bought, Holy Ghost filled women working with me. There are some things I am still praying about.

Ok, now for the Lesson.  It's not over a spacific woman today.

Psalms 4: 1
HEAR me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.

vs 3.  But know that the LORD hath set apart for him that is goldy for himself; the LORD will hear when I call unto him.

Aren't you glad to know that God has set us apart and that He will hear us when we call?  I know sometimes it feels like our prayers aren't getting any higher than the ceiling.  Sometimes it seems like that when we are in our midnight hour, that no one can hear us, that we're all alone.  But vs 3 says the LORD will hear me when I call unto him.

Ok, so you have to admit that we women are emotional.  We get agrivated when we think someone isn't listening to us.  We get upset....they don't care what I have to say, they aren't listening.  Why doesn't anyone listen to me?  We have all been there, some of us on a daily bases....lol.

GOD is listening.  GOD hears us!  GOD sees us!  He may not move when we want Him to, but He's an on time God!  He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us.  Thank the Lord for that promise.  Aman!

We dont' always understand why God works things out the way He does.  It's not for us to understand.  But it is for us to give Him thanks!  The bible says He works all things out for our good.  Not how we want them, for our good! 
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for the good to those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose.
I want to be called to God's pupose, not my purpose.

Just take joy and have peace in knowing that yes, God hears you.  God loves you with a love that you or I can not even begin to fathom.  Take peace & comfort in that.
Remember when things get a little to hard to bare, you get a little weary, and God knows we all do, we have a hiding place in Him, where we can get strengthened back up and face another day, another battle.  Because the Victory's already been won.


trivia questions:
1.  What did Delilah do to Sampson's hair?
 2.  Why did she do it?
3.  What happened to Sampson after she done it?
4.  Was Delilah a God fearing woman?

*come on ladies, let's see those answers*......Fridy will be the win a prize day....so you have to answer today - friday to be able to win.
first one to answer these questions correctly, will get to choose Wednesday's lesson.

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
~A Heart Adorned Women's Ministry~
*a heart andorned with God*
Evang. Patti Smith

Friday, March 25, 2011


Hey Ladies,
I am so sorry I have not done the bible studay the last couple days...this week has ended up being crazy, but still I should have posted.  We will get started back again on Monday, and I'm looking forward to it.  Hope to hear from all of you. 

~Be blessed & Be encouraged~ God can use you
Evang. Patti Smith

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

15th lesson/ Hannah: 1st Samuel chapters 1 & 2

Pray everyone is doing well.  It's a beautiful day.

Today we are going to talk about Hannah found in 1st Samuel chapters 1 & 2.

Hannah's husband had two wives, but he loved Hannah.  However, she was barren.  in chapter 1 vs 10 it says. And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.

vs 11 says - And she vowed a vow, and said , O lord, of hosts if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid,, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life and there shall no razor come upon his head.

She wept and begged God to give her a child.  She spacifically asked for a boy.

vs 13 mentions that she spake in her heart. 
God knows the very intent of our heart before we ever speak a word or think a thought!

While she was pouring her heart out to God, Eli seen her in vs 14 and thought she was drunk but in vs 15 Hannah answered him saying, No, my Lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit, I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before God.

Down in vs 19 & 20, Hannah concieves and bares a son.  She call his name Samuel saying because I asked him of the Lord.  She didn't go with her husband on the trip he took, but stayed at home until the day Samuel was weaned.
In vs 28, Hannah says Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as  he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord, and he worshipped the Lord there.

God gave Samuel to Hannah and Hannah gave Samuel back to God, so that Samuel could be God's servant.  She took Samuel to Eli so that Eli could mentor him, teach him.

chapter 2 vs 1.  And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord:  my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.

Hannah was so happy that God had given her a child and she was happy to give him back to God.  She wanted God to use Samuel.
Because of Hannah turning Samuel back over to God, God blessed her with three more sons and two daughters.  And the word says  Samuel grew before the Lord.

I'm not going to tell you the story of Samuel, I want you to read it and find out what happens to the little boy whom is mother Hannah loved so much, she gave him back to God so that God could use him.

Hannah was barren and she was bitter.  How many of us are bitter about things in our lives?  Something that may have happened years ago, and we've never let go of it, so we have just become bitter?  As long as we keep holding on to that thing or things, we are never going to be truly happy.  We can not be set free, when we're holding on to the past.  We have to let go.  See, so many times we pray God take it, God take it.  We have to GIVE IT TO HIM!!!!! We have to let him have it.  Sometimes it's hard.  Maybe we don't know how, or maybe we have held on to it so long, we're scared of what will happen when we finally let go, but to have peace, happiness, to experience true freedom in Jesus, we have to let go.  People may say, it's fine, it doesn't affect my every day life or my marriage, or my family, etc.  Yes it does.  Because that bitterness and that anger we feel, gets taken out on other people.  We tend to push the ones who loves us, away from us, scared that they too are going to hurt us, so before they can hurt us, we hurt them.  Shackles.
Does this sound familiar to anyone?  It's time!  It's time to give it to Jesus.  Hannah wept before the Lord, pouring her heart out to him.  After doing this, she concieved.  When we can let go of the past wether it was years ago, months ago, or days ago, we can take that next step in God.  How do we give it to Him?  Do as Hannah did, pour our heart and souls out to Him, tell Him we're giving it to Him, ask Him to please help us not to pick it back up.  God will help us!!!!

Hannah also made a vow to God, and here's the kicker, she actually kept it!  How many times have we promised God something and didn't do it?  The bible says it's better to not make a vow to God (challenge: find this scripture)
When we say Lord, I'm going to witness to someone today, do we do it?  Or Lord, I'm going to be kind to that person who is so rude to me, do we do it?  Do we keep our vow's to God?  It's important to keep our marriage vow's and even more important to keep our vow's to God.

Hannah was blessed with Samuel, and she gave him back to God.  God has blessed some of us with children that we love so much.  Do we love them enough to let God have them back, and use them as He sees fit.  Hannah took Samuel to live with Eli.  I imagine that was hard for her, that was her first baby, the one she had prayed for, for so long.  But the person she wanted God to make him, was more important to her than the person she wanted him to be.  Do you know what I mean?  When we find out we are carrying a child, we should give them back to God, dedicate them to Him.  Yes, when a child reaches the age of accountability, they have to make the decision to serve God, but what I'm saying is we should be praying for God to use them as God wants to use them, for God to have His way with their lives.  Not what we want for them, but what God wants for them.  We may want them to be a big doctor or lawyer, it's natural to want the best for your children, but God may want them to be a humble servant in Africa or somewhere....no, I'm not saying you can't be christian if your a doctor or lawyer....lol....I think you guy's know where I'm trying to go with this.  Our plans for our children should line up with God's plans for them, and we should pray God has His will in their lives.  It was important to Hannah for Samuel to be who God wanted him to be.  She took him to the best mentor, teacher.  When our children our young and we still have a say over the people who are in their lives....lol... because you know there will come a time, when we don't have a say anymore.....We should put people in their lives, who are Godly.  Who are going to teach them about God, teach them right from wrong, we as parents do that, but grandparents, family members, friends, teachers, all need to do this as well.  Sadly, we can't shileld and protect our children from everything, but we need to do our best, and we need to be careful of the people we allow in their lives...sometims you can't help who you come across, or who they come across at school, but if they are taught from the beginning, they will be aware and alert, and will know what pleases God and what doesn't.  Train your child up in the way they should go.....(challenge: finish this verse and find where it's at)
Most of all we need to pray for God to have His will and His way in our childrens lives from the time they are born for the rest of their lives.

I believe Hannah was a God fearing woman.  God blessed her with more children.  Samuel was blessed.  Read the story of  Hannah and Samuel.  I believe you will be blessed.

* I want to hear from you*

God bless you and keep you, I am praying for all of you. *Let me know your thoughts on Hannah and today's lesson*  Look forward to hearing from you.

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

Friday, March 18, 2011

14th lesson/ Are you Prepared for the Heat of the battle

Good morning Ladies.  I'm sorry that I never got this posted yesterday.  It was a pretty hectic day, still I should have found time to post the lesson.  I pray you are all being blessed.

~Do you know what to do to prepare~

Prepare: Strengthen, arm, equip

Joshua 4:13 About forty thousand prepared for war passed over before the Lord unto battle, to the plains of Jericho.

Battle: Fight, war

2nd Chronicles 32:8  With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our battles.  And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah King of Judah.

In the rage of the battle, the heat of the battle, what are you going to do?  When the enemy is brining everything he has against you, what are you going to do?
The word says we shall hold our peace and the Lord shall fight our battles (challenge, find this scripture)
The battle has already been won!
But when we are in the heat of our trial and the blows are coming hard, we must put on the whole armor of God and Stand!


1.  Put on the whole armor of God - Ephesians chapter 6

2. Read the word of God and seek Him diligently - Hebrews 11:6 & Proverbs 7:15

3.  Fast & Pray without Ceasing - 1st Thess 5:17


When you have done these things and prepared yourself, and the battle starts, you can have peace, knowing that God is going to fight this battle for you.

Here are some more things you can do:
Plead the blood over your home, your family - Ezekiel 12:13 (they applied the blood over their home)

Declare the peace of God. (challenge: find a scripture about having the peace of God)

Anoint thyself and fast Matthew 6:17

~Know & Remember Who You Are In God~

No weapon formed against thee shall prosper - Isaiah 54:17

Draw A blood line, Satan can't cross it
Plead a hedge of protection around your children
Pray for the angels to be encamped around you

Don't look at the problem - Look at the problem solver

Tell Satan the you are on God's side, that God has you and is fighting for you!

Prepare yourself, make yourself ready.  Christians need to get geared up!  Get the word in your heart, their might come a day when we're not allowed to have it. 

Don't say your weak but say Your STRONG (challenge- find this scripture)
Don't say I can't do this, but say I WILL SURVIVE!!!!!

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
~These battles we fight are not physical.  That's why we have to have on the armour, that's why we have to read and seek God, and that's why we have to fast and pray.  That's the only way we are going to be Prepared for the heat of the battle.

Colossians 1:20
And having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth or things in Heaven.

Thank God we can have peace in Him.  There is no peace to be found in this world except for the peace of God. 
If we will do these things and prepare ourselves, God will fight our battles for us. 
Because when the blows get harder and the trial gets harder, in the "heat" of the battle, we can STAND and we can begin to quote the scripture and call on the name of Jesus and satan must FLEE! 
We can't lay down and quit in the middle. God has brought us to far to do that.  No matter how hard it may seem at the time, we have to lift our hands and begin to Praise God.  Thank you Lord, because I know some way You are going to bring me out of this.  Thank you Lord, because I know I'm coming out stronger than when I went in.  Thank You Lord for Your Peace! 

Here's a little bit of a praise song God gave me a few months ago:
When the enemy comes in like a flood, I plead the blood
When the waves overtake me, I call out to my Saviour
And when I go through the fire, I know I'll come forth purified,
And no matter if things are good or bad, I have power in Your name!

We also have to prepare ye the way of the Lord
We have to get ready, and we have to witness to others out there and prepare the way of the Lord, because HE'S COMING BACK!!!!

Behold He comes, riding on a cloud, shining like the sun, at the trumpet call, lift your voice, it's the year of Jubilee, and out of Zion's hill salvation comes!





1. What are the things we need to do to be prepared?

2.  Where is the scripture: we shall hold our peace and the Lord shall fight or battles?

3.  Where is the scriputre: Not to say we're weak, but say we're strong?

4.  In Ephesians chapter 6, tell me about the whole armor of God, Put on....what things?

5.  Why is it important to be prepared for the battle? (your thoughts)

First one to answer correctly gets to choose the next lesson.  I will let you know who you are!  Come on Ladies!!!!
Remember starting next week in order to have the chance to win a special prize you have to had read and answered five days in a row.

I want to say thank you to all of you again who are reading these and the ones who are responding.  I really appreciate your input and I appreciate you taking the time to read these. I'm just trying to be obediant to God.

Be Blessed  & Be Encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

13th lesson: the woman with the meal in her barrel/ 1st Kings

Congratulations to Sarah Henderson who is yesterday's winner. Since Sarah wanted to do the lesson on Esther, she chose not to answer the questions on the that lesson, so when she won yesterday, she won a cd.

Ok, ladies I didn't have very many answers yesterday so the chance to win the chrisitan book is back in play today.  Remember that after today, you will have the chance to win a special prize such a cd, book, etc only once a week and you have to read and answer five days in a row to win.

Today's lesson: The woman with the meal in her barrel found in 1st Kings chapter 17 starting in vs 9.

The woman and her son had been going through some hard times.  She only had enough meal in her barrel for one small cake. She was out gathering sticks to prepare it so she and her son could eat it and die.  All hope was gone.  That was it.  It was over.  Death was approaching, or so she thought.
God sent Elijah the prophet to her.   He ask her to bring him some water and a small cake.  She told him she only had enough for one and Elijah told her to bring him one.  "Go back to the barrel".
The woman was obediant and found enough meal to feed her family for many days.  I imagine she rejoiced at this miracle. 
After this, her son grew sick and died.  The woman ask Elijah in vs 18 What have I to do with thee O thou man of God?  Art thou come unto me to call my sin to rememberance, and to slay my son?
Elijah took the lad upstairs and stretched himself upon the lad three times and cried unto the Lord to bring the child back.  The Lord heard Elijah and the child was brought back to life.  The woman said to Elijah that she knew he was a man of God and his lips spoke truth because of this.

The woman thought that all she had left was one meal for her and her son and they would eat it and die.  Just when she thought there was no more hope, God provided.  He sent the prophet to tell her "Go back to the barrel".

~When we think all is lost, go back to the barrel~

~When all hope is gone, go back to the barrel~

How many times do people try to bring out our past, or bring out our sins?  Elijah wasn't doing that, but the woman thought he was.  But, some people love to reveal what's in other's people's closet's.  When it's under the blood,  leave it under the blood! When God puts it behind him, we have no right to keep trying to drag it out.  However, what's done in the dark, will come to the light.  We can't hide nothing from God.  But when our sin has been forgiven, leave it alone.

I'm sure this woman rejoiced when there was more meal.  And then God did another miracle for her.  He brought her son back to life.
Let me share a testimony about that.  God did a miralce like that for John's nephew and his wife last night.  Their new born baby was born without a heart rate....after praying, God intervened and that baby boy is alive today and perfectly fine!!!!  WHAT AN AWESOME GOD WE SERVE!!!!!!   What a call that little boy has on him already.

Today's questions:

1.  Who was the prophet that came to the Lady?
2.  What did she keep her meal in?
3.  Did she have a daughter or a son?
4.  When she went back to the barrel, what did she find?

~remember FIRST ONE TO ANSWER CORRECTLY WINS A CHRISTIAN BOOK~ the prize is only open again today because there was only three answers yesterday and the lady who answered first wins a cd, because she chose not to answer the questions on Esther since she is the one who wanted to do the lesson and she studied it out. 

Tomorrow's lesson will be something different.


~ When the enemy seems to camp out around you, do you know what to do?~

~ When satan is coming against your family, do you know what your job as a mother/wife is~

~ For the young women, who are not married, still in school, what have you - when the enemy starts bringing peer pressure, do you know how to take your stand~

~ When you are in the heat of the battle, do you know what to do~

*Sitting here, this is what came to me for the lesson.  These are just a few of the things we will be talking about tomorrow.  I would appreciate your input.*

I look forward to hearing from you & don't forget to answer's today's questions.  Be the first one and win that prize!

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

p/s you can see a picture of the sweet baby who recieved the miracle last night Oscar Caleb Smith on my facebook page.  Congrats to his proud parents Randy (Bubba) & Ashley Smith.  May God keep blessing your beautiful family.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

12the lesson/Mary the mother of Jesus/ Matthew chapter 1

Pray you are all being blessed.  We have two women that have already answered today's questions.  Congratulations to Donna Strickland, Tasha Cantrell & Shelly Williamson, yesterday's winners.  Thank you all for your participation.  Are you all enjoying the studies and questions?

Today's lesson is on one of the most honored and special women in the bible.  Mary, the mother of Jesus!  Wow!  What must it have been like to carry and give birth to the son of God?!  What an honor for God to chose her because He found favor in her.

I can't tell you the anwers to the questions yet, because I'm still waiting on you all to answer. 

The story begins in Matthew chapter 1 vs 18.  We all know that Mary was a young virgin, when it was spoken to her that she would carry and give birth to Jesus the son of God.  She was engaged to be married to Joseph whom when he found out, wanted to keep her from being a public example and was going to put her away, but an angel came to him and told him not to worry because the chid Mary carried inside of her was of the Holy Ghost!  My, my, my.  Think about that for a  minute.  THE CHILD WITHIN HER WAS OF THE HOLY GHOST!
I'm sure Mary didn't understand why God had chosen her, she was probably even a little bit frightened, but God had looked down on Mary and she pleased Him and He found favor with her.
As she gave birth to Jesus, and watched him grow, and then had to watch as they beat him, and nailed him to the cross, oh the pain and sorrow she must have felt because even though she knew that He had been sent to save the world, you have to look at that she was his mother.  This was her child whom she had given birth too, watched Him grow up, this was her baby, and here he was dying on a cross.  I'm sure her heart was breaking into, even though He would rise again, at that moment, i'm sure she couldn't stand to watch the pain that her son was in.  Now I've herad people say that Jesus didn't feel any pain, but I don't belive that for a minute.  He had to feel the pain, in order to know the pain we go through at times.  Had to feel the pain, so that we could be saved. 
Mary loved Jesus as any mother would  love her child.  Think of your children if you have them.  Even if you knew it was going to be for good, would you be able to stand seeing your child in pain, and suffering.
Mary was such a special woman to have been chosen by God to carry and birth His son, so that we could be set free.  Have you ever wondered exactly what kind of person she was for God to have chosen her?
When she went to her cousin Elisabeth and told her she was carrying Jesus, the baby Elisabeth was carrying, lept in her womb!  Their was a plan in the making!

We never know what God is going to do with our children, or how He will use them.   Since the time I found out I was carrying Sarah, before I even knew she was a girl,  I began to pray over her.  I prayed for a girl.   I prayed that God would use her, that He would call her to preach, use her in prophecy, that she would sing and play every instrument she touched, and that she would move in every gift of the spirit.  I didn't tell anybody that, but it was prophesyed over her that her ministry would be greater than mine and her dad's.  Most of all I want God to use her as he sees ft to use her.  Now  that doesen't mean that she's going to be perfect.  As her mother, I prayed this over her, and I still do.  We have to pray for our children and lift them up before God, pray a hedge of protection around them.  There will come a time and they will reach an age, that they will have to start standing up for themselves as well, but we can always pray over them and stand in the gap for them.  If you don't have children of your own, find some to pray for.  The children, teens today need prayer.  They need to know that someone is praying for them and that they don't have to let Satan get them.  They need to know that God is there for them!  Even if you have grown children, keep taking them to God!

Are we finding favor with God?  When God looks at us, is He pleased?  I want Him to be pleased with me.
I want to hear from all of you.  What do you think about Mary? 

Tomorrow's lesson: The woman with the meal in her barrel.

Today's lesson's questions: 1.  whom was Mary's cousin that was also carrying a child?
2. Who did Mary's cousin give birth too?
3.  How did Joseph feel when he found out Mary was carrying?
4.  Who told Mary she would give birth?


1.  Who was the prophet that came to the woman't house?
2.  Did the woman have a son or a daughter?
3.  What did she keep her meal in?
4.  How many cakes did she make?
5. When she used her last, and went back, what did she find?

The first one to answer all 5 correctly will win a christian book. 

We are going to start trying to give a way a weekly prize like cd's, a book, etc.  I will let you know what day, you will have the chance to win a speical prize.  However, in order to win a prize, you have to read the daily lessons and answers the questions 5 day's in a row.  If you do not answer 5 days in a row, then the special prize can not be won.

Every day, the first  who answer correctly get the chance to choose whom we do the next lesson over, unless I specify more than one person, or a different prize.  I'm doing this to get you guy's involved.  For you to take part because this a group study, and I want to hear from you all. 

Ok ladies......here we go.....look forward to hearing from you :)

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

Monday, March 14, 2011

11th study/ ESTHER found in the book of Esther

Hope everyone is having a wonderfully blessed day!  This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!  Thank you to Sarah Henderson for choosing today's lesson, and for her input, below is what God gave her.

ESTHER 2: 5 - 7). Esther is chosen to be Queen.
She had favour with the King and so did Mordecai. Even Jesus grew in favour with God and man (Luke 2:52). When we live a life pleasing to God, by obeying His will we will have favour with Him. God will also give you favour with people. To prevent the execution of all the Jews Mordecai calls on Esther to intercede to the King. The only problem here is that the King does not know that Esther is a Jew. Esther has no ideal of how the King will respond to this news. Although God is never mentioned in the book of Esther we can see His acts in the background. Nothing takes God unaware.
I feel it was love for her people tha she put her life in danger.God never forgets our labour of love (Hebrews 6:10).
Thank you Sis. Sarah.


~ Her name was actually Hadassah, changed to Esther - 2:7~

~She was fair and beautiful~2:7

~Mordeci her cousin raised her after her parents death.~2:7

~ Esther pleased Hegai keeper of the women for the king ~ 2:9

~Esther waited tweleve months before seening the king~ 2:12

~Esther required nothing to see the king, but what Hegai appointed her~ 2:15

~ Esther obtained favour with the king.~ 2:15

~The king loved Esther~ 2:17

~Esther saved her people, the jews, from death~

In 2006, God gave me a message on Esther.  It was more than just the Cindrella story we here so often , of Rags to Riches.  That's a great one, don't get me wrong.  But this is what God revealed to me.

After Queen Vashti refused to come when the King called for her found in the first chapter, The king sent forth a decree to find a new queen.  Esther whom's name was orgionally Hadassah, was taken along with all the other maidens to the King.  Esther was in preperation, a purification process for twelve months.  How many know that sometimes we need to go through a purification process? It was six months of oil of myrr, and six months of sweet odours and other things for the purifying of women.  When Hegai took the women to choose their items for their time before the king, Esther required nothing but what Hegai appointed her.  When it came her time to go before the King, the King found favour with her.  In fact the bible says the King loved her. 
Esther was a jew.  Haman which I think was like second in command, hated the jews and wanted them killed.  No one knew that Esther, whom had just been chosen queen, was in fact a jew.
When Esther found out, she was greatly grieved.  Mordeci told Esther: Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this!

This is what I want to focus on "For such a time as this"
You see, it wasn't by chance Esther went to the palace, it wasn't by chance that she found favour with Hegai, it wasn't by chance that when she went before the king, she found favour with him and he fell in love with her.  It wasn't by chance that Esther was chosen Queen.  GOD himself put her in that place.  GOD made the king fall in love with her!  Even though God's name is not mentioned once in the book of Esther, you can clearly see Him through everything. 
God knew what was going to come into plan for the jews, and GOD chose Esther, hm my, my, my....GOD CHOSE ESTHER to become queen so she could save His people!  God knew that Esther could accomplish what He wanted done.  So you see it's more than a Cinderella story.  It's more than a fairy tale. 
Wow! What an honor for God to choose Esther, above all the other young maidens who went along with her.  When anyone of them could have been chosen.  The king loved Esther because God had already chosen her.  It was already in God's plan!  FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!!!!

Whatever you may be going through, even though you may not think so, God may be using you to help somebody.  It may be for such a time as this. 

Questions for today's lesson:

1. what was Esther's orgional name?

2.  What did she require before going befor the king?

3.  How long did Esther wait before seeing the king?

4.  Why was Esther chosen to be the queen?

First three to answer correctly, wins a cd of us.  A combination of our two albums on one cd.  *Note* I will let you know by comment or email on fb if you were one of the first three.  If you were I will be asking for your address.


trivia questions for tomorrow's lesson:

1.  Who was Mary's cousin that gave birth also?

2.  Who did Mary's cousin give birth too?

3.  How did Joseph feel when Mary told him she was expecting?

4.  Who told Mary she would give birth?

OK, COME ON LADIES!!!!  Look forward to hearing from you.  Also, tell me what you get out of the story of Esther.  There's no right or wrong answer for what you get out of a story.  I love you all!

Be blessed & Be encoraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

Sunday, March 13, 2011



Friday, March 11, 2011

10th lesson/ widowed woman with two mites Mark 12

First of all thank you to all the ones who answered yesterday.  the answeres are: 1. farthing, 2. all & 3. treasury.
Two mites - The word translated "mite" denotes a small coin made of brass - the smallest in use among the Jews. The precise value cannot now be easily estimated. It was much less than any coin we have, as the "farthing" was less than an English farthing. It was in value about three mills and a half, or one-third of a cent.

Mark 12: 41-44

41. And Jesus sat over against the treasury,and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.

42. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.

43.  And He called unto him is disciples, and siath unto them, Verily, I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:

44. For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

The bible doesn't say, but I'm sure this woman may have thought, "you know, all I have are these two little mites, I'm not rich like all these other people, I'm just a poor woman, but I'm going to give all that I have."
As Jesus was setting over by the side watching all the rich people put in their money, He seen this widowed woman come by and put in her two mites. 
Jesus said, this woman gave more because she gave all that she had.

It wasn't the amount of the money she gave, it was the fact that it was all she had.  Are we giving God all we have?  We want God to give us His all, but are we in return giving Him our all?  When we praise Him, do we put our all into it? Or do we just half way do it? When we do something for Him, do we give it our all?  God doesn't give us His left overs, and He doesn't want our left overs.  He wants our best, our ALL!!!!! 
This woman I'm sure was BLESSED!  But all she had was two mites that weren't worth hardly anything.  But she gave her ALL!  She didn't do it grudingly, she just did it.  "This is all I have, but I'm giving it." 

"Lord I give you my heart, I give you my soul, I live for you alone, every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake, Lord have Your way in me."

Lord, I give you my ALL,  take me, use me, mold me into what You want to me to be, because I'm nothing without You and eveything I have belongs to You!

Have you ever wondered why they call it a sacrafice of praise?  Because there are times when we don't feel like praising Him, but if we'll take that first step, make that sacrafice to do it anyway, with our whole heart, giving it our all, God will honour that.  And it may not be with your all at first, but if you'll take that first step, whisper that first praise, the longer you do it, you will be giving it your all.  We have to learn that no matter what we're going through, we can PRAISE OUR WAY OUT!!!  I learned a long time ago, when we're going through a trial, the longer we whine and complain, the longer we stay in it, but if  we will begin to praise Him even though we  don't "feel" like it, and we will begin to thank Him in advnace, because we know He's going to bring us out, we will begin to see the end of that trial.

Let's start giving God our ALL!!!!

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~ God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

Thursday, March 10, 2011

9th lesson/ Jarius's wife & daughter Mark 5

Thank you to the one who answered the trivia questions.  Tasha Cantrell will choose tomorrow's lesson.

Today we will be discussing Jarius's wife and daughter.  Jarius was the man in the bible whom's daugther died, and Jesus brought her back to life.

This lesson is found in Mark 5: 35-43
When Jarius had found Jesus, and told Him, his daughte was dying, Jesus went to the home with him, telling Jarius not to worry, only believe. Once Jesus got there, He asked them why they were grieving, that the girl wasn't dead, only asleep. They laughed at him and Jesus made them all leave but the father and mother and those that were with Jesus. 
The answers to the trivia questions were: 1. the mother is only mentioned once. 2.  her name is not mentioned.  3.  the daughters name is not mentioned. 4. because they laughed at him. 5. Jesus, the mother, father and Peter, James and John were the only ones in the room.

Now, as mentioned, the mother is only mentioned once, and it does not give her name.  However, let's look at her for a moment.  Can you imagine how she must have felt, seeing her daughter lying their dead.  The girl was only 12.  Can you imagine the pain, the heartbreak, maybe even the anger?  Her little girl was dead.  Gone.  Some of you out there may know from experience how she felt, and if you do I am sorry.  I don't know from experience, but I can imagine.  Her child. 
Jesus tells the child in vs 41, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.  In 42, the girl immediatly gets up and walks, and they are all astonished.
Now, imagine the mother's joy.  The little girl who was dead, that she could never talk to, or hug, or enjoy being around again, has just been BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE!!!!  JESUS HAS RAISED HER FROM THE DEAD!!!!!  Imagine how the little girl felt, knowing Jesus had just done a miralce for her!  I mean, how do you feel when Jesus blesse's you or you recieve a miracle, now imagine this little girl was DEAD, and now she's up walking.  I imagine her mother grabbed her and hugged her. The joy in the house that day....my, my, my.  Jesus did a miracle for that family!!!!!

Spring is fast approaching.  A time for NEW LIFE!!!!!  It's time to step out of your old season, into the new one.  Old things passed away, behold all things are new.  This child whom was brought back, now has a new life.  My, my, my....let that set with you a minute.  I don't know about any of you, but I'm ready for a new season.  I'm ready to see God do an even greater work. 

Tomorrow's lesson: The Widow with Two Mites, Mark 12-41-44
& Luke 21:1-4





Ok Ladies, I had two answers yesterday.......come on, ya'll can do this...lol.  Are you guy's enjoying the lesson's?  I'm not a bible scholar, but I am saying what God is giving me, and I'm learning as I go too.  I want to hear from you all as well.  I want us to do this together.  I would love it if we could all get face to face and do this, but since we can't do that, this works too. 
Since this is for all of you, do ya'll have ideas, of how it could be better?  Topics to discuss.  Topics can be things we go through today as mothers, wives, daugther, etc, and we will use the bible to find answers.  Don't be afraid to be Honest.

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~ God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

8th daily bible studies for women/ Rebekah Gen 24

  Pray you're all having a blessed day.  Today's lesson is about Rebekah.










In Genesis chapter 24, it begins with Abraham sending his eldest servant to to his country and his kindred to find a wife for Issac.  The servant ask how he would know was the right woman, and Abraham told him that if the woman was not willing to follow him, that she wasn't the one.  They sealed this by the servant putting his hand under Abraham's thigh and swaring to him.

As we know in chapter 24, the servant goes to a well to water the camels and Rebekah is there.  He goes home with her, entreats her family to let her go, they ask Rebekah if she is willing to go, and she goes.  When they reach home, she sees Issac and gets off the camel and Issac takes her to wife. Read chapter 24 for full detail.

We later learn that Rebekah like Rachel uses deciet and trickery.  She is barren until Issac prays for God to open her womb, which He does. Gen 25:21.  Not only did she concieve, but she was carrying twins.  In Gen 25: 22 She says If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord. In vs 23, The Lord says unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shal be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
Rebekah gave birth and brought forth Esau and Jacob.  Esau was red and hairy, and after him came Jacob, and he grabbed on to Esau's heel.  The boy's grew, Esau a hunter and Jacob a plain man, dwelling in tents. Issac loved Esau, but Rebekah loved Jacob.
When it came time for Esau to recieve the blessing from Issac, Rebekah told Jacob to dress as Esau so his father would think he was Esau and Jacob would recieve Esau's blessing's. Issac was blind and would not know the difference.  When Esau found out, he was angry, and was going to kill Jacob, Rebekah warned Jacob of this and Jacob left.
Through her deciet and trickery, Rebekah caused anger, envy and grief between her sons.  Had she not planned for Jacob to trick Issac, Esau would not have wanted to kill his brother.  Because of this, Jacob went away for many years, but when Jacob and Esau met up again, there was forgiveness.
Rebekah took matter's into her own hands, when she put Jacob up to tricking Issac.  In the end Rebekah told Issac, she was weary for her life because she was afraid of the wife Jacob would choose. Gen 27:46

Rebekah should have left things to God, and she wouldn't have had to worry about anything.  She should have loved Esau as much as she loved Jacob.  Issac should have loved Jacob as much as he did Esau.  Even though they were two very different people, they were still their son's and deserved the same amount of love.  God loves us all the same.  And get this, He loves sinners too.  Yep, that's right.  He hates the sin, but He loves the sinner.  Remember, we weren't always saved, and we still make mistakes. Thank God we can go to Him for forgiveness.

To me, it seems that Rebekah might not of feard God either.  What do you all think? Do you think she did right by having Jacob trick Issac?  Do you think it was right for her to love Jacob more than she did Esau?  Do you think she would have had to worry about the wife Jacob chose if she had left things up to God?

I know we all are going to worry some, but we're really not suppose to.  The bible tells us not too.

 For Tomorrow's lesson I felt led to study on the woman and her daughter Jesus brought back from the dead.  The bible doesn't go into any detail about her, but we are going to discuss as a mother how she must have felt when her child died, and then how she must have felt when Jesus brought her back to life.  This story is found in Mark 5 starting in vs 35.


~alright ladies, yesterday only one lady answered the questions...come on ya'll....i need your help....lol....comment to me on here, facebook or send me a message.  I can't stress enough, I want to hear from you...I want to know what the Lord is showing you, I want to hear your testamonies, and if I feel led, I will post one of them,and tell whose testamony it is, but only if it is ok with you.THE FIRST THREE LADIES WHO ANSWER ALL 5 QUESTIONS CORRECTLY GETS TO HELP ME OUT.  THE FIRST LADY WITH THE RIGHT ANSWERS GETS TO CHOOSE WHOM WE DO THE NEXT LESSON OVER.  THE SECOND AND THIRD LADIES, GET'S TO MAKE UP TRIVIA QUESTIONS.  I will comment you on what the lesson will be about, you read it, and then send me your questions, they can be easy, medium, or hard.
Look forward to hearing from you~

Be Blessed & Be Encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

7th daily bible studies for women/ Leah & Rachel Gen 29 & 30

Hope everyone is being blessed today!  I hope you all enjoy today's lesson....look forward to hearing from you!


~ Rachel kept her father's sheep ~ Gen 29:9

~ Rachel was the younder daughter ~ Gen 29:16

~ Rachel was beautiful and well favored~ Gen 29:17

~Jacob served fourteen years for Rachel~ Gen 29: 20-30

~ Rachel was barren ~ Gen 29:31

~ Rachel envied her sister ~ Gen 30:1

~ Rachel gave Jacob her handmaid ~ Gen 30: 4-7

~ Rachel's womb was open~ Gen 30: 22


~ Leah was the older daughter ~ Gen 29:16

~Leah was tender eyed~ Gen 29:17

~ Leah's womb was opened ~ Gen 29:31

~Leah bore Jacob six sons and one daughter ~

Leah and Rachel's father was the brother of Jacob's mother - Gen 29:10

Starting in Gen chapter 29 we findthe story of Rachel, Jacob and Leah.  Everyone knows Rachel and Jacob as a love story, but there is more to it, as you found out by reading it.  I would like to thank two special ladies Brenda Cook and Tasha Cantrell for their wonderful insight and comments. 

Rachel and Leah grew up among deciet and trickery.  Their father was liar and a manipulator.  Instead of overcoming this in her life, Rachel let it overcome her.  Even though the love story is wonderful between Rachel and Jacob, it is also very sad, mixed in a world of hurt, and deciet.  What makes the love story wonderful is the committment that Jacob had for Rachel, serving for her for fourteen years, what makes it sad, is Rachel taking matters into her own hands on more than one occasion.  Let's take a look.

Rachel and Leah's father tricked Jacob right from the start.  Their deal was that Jacob would serve seven years for Rachel, but when the day came, it was Leah whom Laban had given unto Jacob.  Jacob served another seven years and was given Rachel. 
God seen that Leah was hated and He opened up her womb and Leah bore Jacob's children.  She thought that surley this would make Jacob love her more and want to be with her.  Rachel was envious and angry because she was barren.  She told Jacob to "give her children, lest she died" Gen 30: 1.
Jacob told her "Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb".
Instead of waiting on God, Rachel took matters into her own hands, and told Jacob to go into her handmaid, which Jacob did and the handmaid concieved and bore him two sons. Gen 30:5-7

After this all occured, Rachel went to see Leah to bargain with her of Leah's son's mandrakes.
MANDRAKE: The hebrew name denotes love fruit. The fruit had a plesant taste and oder and was suppose to ensure conception.
Leah ask her "Is it a small matter that thou hast taken my husband? and wouldest thou take away my son's mandrakes also? And Rachel said, therefore he shall lie with thee to night for thy son's mandrakes." Gen 30:15

Rachel was willing to bargain, lie and hurt others, so she could have what she wanted.  Even though she was beautiful, her beauty could not give her the one thing she wanted, until God said other wise, but instead of waiting on God, she took matters into her own hands once more.  However by her bargaining Jacob for mandrakes, Leah concieved once more and bore Jacob the fifth son (kind of sounds like her plan backfired doesn't it?) Gen 30:16-17

After Leah had bore another son and a daughter, God remembered Rachel and she concieved and bore Joseph. Gen 30:22-24.   Over in Gen 35 16-18, Rachel had concieved again, but was travailing and having hard labor.  She gave birth to another son, but died afterwards.  In her passing she called his name Benoni, but Jacob changed his name to Benjamin.

It is a shame that Rachel could not overcome the life she had grew up in.  See,it doesn't matter where you grow up, the life your parents led, by the blood of Jesus, you can overcome!  You do not have to carry on their ways.  You can leave that life, Overcome and let God invade your life, instead of letting sin invade your life. 

I want to ask you to take a look at your life.  Do you feel more like Rachel, Leah or maybe both women at some point?  Do you feel hated or left out because you don't feel you're beautiful enough?  We are all made beautiful in the eyes of God.  Do you feel jelous of someone because of their accomplishments?  Do you overlook sin so you can go where you want,say or do what you want?  Do you take matters into your own hands instead of waiting and trusting in God?  Ladies as much as we hate to admit it, we have all done these things, and felt this way at one time or another.  God help us.
As a christian there are places, and situations where we should feel uncomfortable.  We should never overlook sin, but there are right ways and wrongs ways to go about handling a situation and we must pray for God to show us the right way

I can't stress the fact enough that we are OVERCOMERS through Christ Jesus!  We don't have to let sin invade our lives!  We are in this world, not of this world, and we don't have to let the world invade us!
This life is hard, and God never promised it would be easy, but He promised  He'd be there on time every time!  We need to wake up in the morning with determination, with a prayer for God to help us, give us strength and put us in His will, not our will but His will!  Lord, put me in Your will today!

In my opinion, Rachel didn't seem to fear God very much.  She didnt' want to wait upon Him to fix things, she wanted to be in control.  To me, it seems that Leah was more blessed and even though it said Rachel was well favoured,  God blessed Leah with seven children, even though she didn't have the love of Jacob which is what she really wanted. Rachel had the love of Jacob, but didn't seem to have a love for God.

Ok, enough from me, I want to hear from you guy's...what did you think?  what did God reveal to you, drop me a comment here or on facebook or send me a message....come on let me hear from ya!


look forward to hearing from you~

Be blessed & Be encouraged ~ God can use you
Evang. Patti Smith