Pray everyone is doing well. It's a beautiful day.
Today we are going to talk about Hannah found in 1st Samuel chapters 1 & 2.
Hannah's husband had two wives, but he loved Hannah. However, she was barren. in chapter 1 vs 10 it says. And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.
vs 11 says - And she vowed a vow, and said , O lord, of hosts if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid,, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life and there shall no razor come upon his head.
She wept and begged God to give her a child. She spacifically asked for a boy.
vs 13 mentions that she spake in her heart.
God knows the very intent of our heart before we ever speak a word or think a thought!
While she was pouring her heart out to God, Eli seen her in vs 14 and thought she was drunk but in vs 15 Hannah answered him saying, No, my Lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit, I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before God.
Down in vs 19 & 20, Hannah concieves and bares a son. She call his name Samuel saying because I asked him of the Lord. She didn't go with her husband on the trip he took, but stayed at home until the day Samuel was weaned.
In vs 28, Hannah says Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord, and he worshipped the Lord there.
God gave Samuel to Hannah and Hannah gave Samuel back to God, so that Samuel could be God's servant. She took Samuel to Eli so that Eli could mentor him, teach him.
chapter 2 vs 1. And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.
Hannah was so happy that God had given her a child and she was happy to give him back to God. She wanted God to use Samuel.
Because of Hannah turning Samuel back over to God, God blessed her with three more sons and two daughters. And the word says Samuel grew before the Lord.
I'm not going to tell you the story of Samuel, I want you to read it and find out what happens to the little boy whom is mother Hannah loved so much, she gave him back to God so that God could use him.
Hannah was barren and she was bitter. How many of us are bitter about things in our lives? Something that may have happened years ago, and we've never let go of it, so we have just become bitter? As long as we keep holding on to that thing or things, we are never going to be truly happy. We can not be set free, when we're holding on to the past. We have to let go. See, so many times we pray God take it, God take it. We have to GIVE IT TO HIM!!!!! We have to let him have it. Sometimes it's hard. Maybe we don't know how, or maybe we have held on to it so long, we're scared of what will happen when we finally let go, but to have peace, happiness, to experience true freedom in Jesus, we have to let go. People may say, it's fine, it doesn't affect my every day life or my marriage, or my family, etc. Yes it does. Because that bitterness and that anger we feel, gets taken out on other people. We tend to push the ones who loves us, away from us, scared that they too are going to hurt us, so before they can hurt us, we hurt them. Shackles.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? It's time! It's time to give it to Jesus. Hannah wept before the Lord, pouring her heart out to him. After doing this, she concieved. When we can let go of the past wether it was years ago, months ago, or days ago, we can take that next step in God. How do we give it to Him? Do as Hannah did, pour our heart and souls out to Him, tell Him we're giving it to Him, ask Him to please help us not to pick it back up. God will help us!!!!
Hannah also made a vow to God, and here's the kicker, she actually kept it! How many times have we promised God something and didn't do it? The bible says it's better to not make a vow to God (challenge: find this scripture)
When we say Lord, I'm going to witness to someone today, do we do it? Or Lord, I'm going to be kind to that person who is so rude to me, do we do it? Do we keep our vow's to God? It's important to keep our marriage vow's and even more important to keep our vow's to God.
Hannah was blessed with Samuel, and she gave him back to God. God has blessed some of us with children that we love so much. Do we love them enough to let God have them back, and use them as He sees fit. Hannah took Samuel to live with Eli. I imagine that was hard for her, that was her first baby, the one she had prayed for, for so long. But the person she wanted God to make him, was more important to her than the person she wanted him to be. Do you know what I mean? When we find out we are carrying a child, we should give them back to God, dedicate them to Him. Yes, when a child reaches the age of accountability, they have to make the decision to serve God, but what I'm saying is we should be praying for God to use them as God wants to use them, for God to have His way with their lives. Not what we want for them, but what God wants for them. We may want them to be a big doctor or lawyer, it's natural to want the best for your children, but God may want them to be a humble servant in Africa or, I'm not saying you can't be christian if your a doctor or think you guy's know where I'm trying to go with this. Our plans for our children should line up with God's plans for them, and we should pray God has His will in their lives. It was important to Hannah for Samuel to be who God wanted him to be. She took him to the best mentor, teacher. When our children our young and we still have a say over the people who are in their because you know there will come a time, when we don't have a say anymore.....We should put people in their lives, who are Godly. Who are going to teach them about God, teach them right from wrong, we as parents do that, but grandparents, family members, friends, teachers, all need to do this as well. Sadly, we can't shileld and protect our children from everything, but we need to do our best, and we need to be careful of the people we allow in their lives...sometims you can't help who you come across, or who they come across at school, but if they are taught from the beginning, they will be aware and alert, and will know what pleases God and what doesn't. Train your child up in the way they should go.....(challenge: finish this verse and find where it's at)
Most of all we need to pray for God to have His will and His way in our childrens lives from the time they are born for the rest of their lives.
I believe Hannah was a God fearing woman. God blessed her with more children. Samuel was blessed. Read the story of Hannah and Samuel. I believe you will be blessed.
* I want to hear from you*
God bless you and keep you, I am praying for all of you. *Let me know your thoughts on Hannah and today's lesson* Look forward to hearing from you.
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith
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