First of all thank you to all the ones who answered yesterday. the answeres are: 1. farthing, 2. all & 3. treasury.
Two mites - The word translated "mite" denotes a small coin made of brass - the smallest in use among the Jews. The precise value cannot now be easily estimated. It was much less than any coin we have, as the "farthing" was less than an English farthing. It was in value about three mills and a half, or one-third of a cent.
Mark 12: 41-44
41. And Jesus sat over against the treasury,and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
42. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
43. And He called unto him is disciples, and siath unto them, Verily, I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
44. For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.
The bible doesn't say, but I'm sure this woman may have thought, "you know, all I have are these two little mites, I'm not rich like all these other people, I'm just a poor woman, but I'm going to give all that I have."
As Jesus was setting over by the side watching all the rich people put in their money, He seen this widowed woman come by and put in her two mites.
Jesus said, this woman gave more because she gave all that she had.
It wasn't the amount of the money she gave, it was the fact that it was all she had. Are we giving God all we have? We want God to give us His all, but are we in return giving Him our all? When we praise Him, do we put our all into it? Or do we just half way do it? When we do something for Him, do we give it our all? God doesn't give us His left overs, and He doesn't want our left overs. He wants our best, our ALL!!!!!
This woman I'm sure was BLESSED! But all she had was two mites that weren't worth hardly anything. But she gave her ALL! She didn't do it grudingly, she just did it. "This is all I have, but I'm giving it."
"Lord I give you my heart, I give you my soul, I live for you alone, every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake, Lord have Your way in me."
Lord, I give you my ALL, take me, use me, mold me into what You want to me to be, because I'm nothing without You and eveything I have belongs to You!
Have you ever wondered why they call it a sacrafice of praise? Because there are times when we don't feel like praising Him, but if we'll take that first step, make that sacrafice to do it anyway, with our whole heart, giving it our all, God will honour that. And it may not be with your all at first, but if you'll take that first step, whisper that first praise, the longer you do it, you will be giving it your all. We have to learn that no matter what we're going through, we can PRAISE OUR WAY OUT!!! I learned a long time ago, when we're going through a trial, the longer we whine and complain, the longer we stay in it, but if we will begin to praise Him even though we don't "feel" like it, and we will begin to thank Him in advnace, because we know He's going to bring us out, we will begin to see the end of that trial.
Let's start giving God our ALL!!!!
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~ God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith
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