Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3rd daily bible studies for women/ The Woman who washed Jesus feet

I hope everyone is having a blessed day.  Today we are going to talk about the woman who washed Jesus feet found in Luke 7:37-47.

I absolutley love this story. Here they are having dinner and this woman, when she found out Jesus was there, knew she had to get to where he was.  She didn't care that there were others setting around, she didnt' care what they thought about her, all she cared about was getting to Jesus!  She knew that Jesus was The Only one who could heal her, save her, help her. She put everything else aside to get to Jesus!  My, my, my.  Are we doing that?  Do we care to much about what others think about us?  Oh, their going to talk about me.  Honey their going to talk about you anyway, let them talk, maybe while their talking, they'll talk themselves under conviction.  I would rather them talk about me for having Jesus then talk about me for something else. 

The bible doesnt' mention a lot about the woman, her life or anything.  But like so many women out there, she may have been broken, at the end of her rope, lonely, confused and hurting.  She had tried everything and couldnt' find happiness, then she heard about Jesus, heard he was going to be in town and knew she had to get to Him.
The bible doesn't say that she ever said a word.  We know she cried because she washed his feet with her tears.  There are times when we don't even know how to begin to pray or the right words to say and I believe in those times, that Jesus sees our tears and "hears" our tears, He always sees them but in those time when all we can do is cry Jesus knows what we're trying to say when we can't say it.  I believe that sometimes we all need to just CRY!  Pour our hearts out to God.  Sometimes I think our words get in the way, and we need to just let our hearts do the talking. This may sound crazy and we can't actually touch him to do this, but I think sometimes we need to fall at his feet, and wash his feet with our tears....we need to kneel at His feet and just worship Him.  It's time to forget about everything else, stop thinking about what someone is saying about us, and do whatever it takes to get to Jesus!

Ladies, I want your feelings and thoughts on this... but how you feel about these verses...what God is revealing to you! What Your heart feels.  I look forward to hearing from you. 
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~ God can use You~
Evang. Patti Smith

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