Pray you are all being blessed. We have two women that have already answered today's questions. Congratulations to Donna Strickland, Tasha Cantrell & Shelly Williamson, yesterday's winners. Thank you all for your participation. Are you all enjoying the studies and questions?
Today's lesson is on one of the most honored and special women in the bible. Mary, the mother of Jesus! Wow! What must it have been like to carry and give birth to the son of God?! What an honor for God to chose her because He found favor in her.
I can't tell you the anwers to the questions yet, because I'm still waiting on you all to answer.
The story begins in Matthew chapter 1 vs 18. We all know that Mary was a young virgin, when it was spoken to her that she would carry and give birth to Jesus the son of God. She was engaged to be married to Joseph whom when he found out, wanted to keep her from being a public example and was going to put her away, but an angel came to him and told him not to worry because the chid Mary carried inside of her was of the Holy Ghost! My, my, my. Think about that for a minute. THE CHILD WITHIN HER WAS OF THE HOLY GHOST!
I'm sure Mary didn't understand why God had chosen her, she was probably even a little bit frightened, but God had looked down on Mary and she pleased Him and He found favor with her.
As she gave birth to Jesus, and watched him grow, and then had to watch as they beat him, and nailed him to the cross, oh the pain and sorrow she must have felt because even though she knew that He had been sent to save the world, you have to look at that she was his mother. This was her child whom she had given birth too, watched Him grow up, this was her baby, and here he was dying on a cross. I'm sure her heart was breaking into, even though He would rise again, at that moment, i'm sure she couldn't stand to watch the pain that her son was in. Now I've herad people say that Jesus didn't feel any pain, but I don't belive that for a minute. He had to feel the pain, in order to know the pain we go through at times. Had to feel the pain, so that we could be saved.
Mary loved Jesus as any mother would love her child. Think of your children if you have them. Even if you knew it was going to be for good, would you be able to stand seeing your child in pain, and suffering.
Mary was such a special woman to have been chosen by God to carry and birth His son, so that we could be set free. Have you ever wondered exactly what kind of person she was for God to have chosen her?
When she went to her cousin Elisabeth and told her she was carrying Jesus, the baby Elisabeth was carrying, lept in her womb! Their was a plan in the making!
We never know what God is going to do with our children, or how He will use them. Since the time I found out I was carrying Sarah, before I even knew she was a girl, I began to pray over her. I prayed for a girl. I prayed that God would use her, that He would call her to preach, use her in prophecy, that she would sing and play every instrument she touched, and that she would move in every gift of the spirit. I didn't tell anybody that, but it was prophesyed over her that her ministry would be greater than mine and her dad's. Most of all I want God to use her as he sees ft to use her. Now that doesen't mean that she's going to be perfect. As her mother, I prayed this over her, and I still do. We have to pray for our children and lift them up before God, pray a hedge of protection around them. There will come a time and they will reach an age, that they will have to start standing up for themselves as well, but we can always pray over them and stand in the gap for them. If you don't have children of your own, find some to pray for. The children, teens today need prayer. They need to know that someone is praying for them and that they don't have to let Satan get them. They need to know that God is there for them! Even if you have grown children, keep taking them to God!
Are we finding favor with God? When God looks at us, is He pleased? I want Him to be pleased with me.
I want to hear from all of you. What do you think about Mary?
Tomorrow's lesson: The woman with the meal in her barrel.
Today's lesson's questions: 1. whom was Mary's cousin that was also carrying a child?
2. Who did Mary's cousin give birth too?
3. How did Joseph feel when he found out Mary was carrying?
4. Who told Mary she would give birth?
1. Who was the prophet that came to the woman't house?
2. Did the woman have a son or a daughter?
3. What did she keep her meal in?
4. How many cakes did she make?
5. When she used her last, and went back, what did she find?
The first one to answer all 5 correctly will win a christian book.
We are going to start trying to give a way a weekly prize like cd's, a book, etc. I will let you know what day, you will have the chance to win a speical prize. However, in order to win a prize, you have to read the daily lessons and answers the questions 5 day's in a row. If you do not answer 5 days in a row, then the special prize can not be won.
Every day, the first who answer correctly get the chance to choose whom we do the next lesson over, unless I specify more than one person, or a different prize. I'm doing this to get you guy's involved. For you to take part because this a group study, and I want to hear from you all.
Ok we go.....look forward to hearing from you :)
Be blessed & Be encouraged ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith
1 Elizebth 2 john the baptist 3 he wanted to put her away 4 angel