Thursday, March 3, 2011

day 4 daily bible studies for women/ When I call on Jesus

Hey Ladies,
I pray you are well and being blessed!  Today I am in a motel room in Oklahoam City Ok, with my mom and little girl.  We are here to watch the Caddo Bruins play in the state play off's, which is exciting, but not as exciting as God!

Today, I am going to type the lyrics to a song that christian artist Nicole C Mullen came out with and The Crabb Family also did it on their last album together.  I want you to read the words and think about it, then I want you to see if you can find scriputres in the bible to go along with it...put you guy's to work and get you

When I call on Jesus

I'm so very ordainary - nothing special on my own
I have never- walked on water-
and I have never calmed a storm
Sometimes I'm hiding away from the madness around me
like a child who's afrid of the dark

But when I call on Jesus - all things are possible
I can mount on wings as eagles and soar
when I call on Jesus - mountains are gonna fall
Cause He'll move heaven and earth - to come rescue me when I call

Weary brother - Broken daughter
Widowed - widowed mother - You're not alone
When you're hiding away from the madness around you
like a child who's afraid of the dark

When you call on Jesus- all things are possible
you can mount on wings like eagles and soar
when you call on Jesus, mountains are gonna fall
cause He'll move Heaven and earth to come rescue you when you call

You can find this song on youtube to listen to it
When I call on Jesus Nicole C Mullen -

How many times have we felt like hiding away from all the madness going on around us, or felt like we just couldn't make it another step?  All we have to do is call on Jesus and He'll be there!
Isaiah says - Those that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not grow weay, they shall walk and not faint.
2ND CHALLENGE: Tomorrow's lesson will be on the first woman in the bible who was a judge and was also a prophetess- WHO WAS IT? leave me a comment with the answer...first one to get it right gets to choose who we do the next lesson on.*Hint* found in the book of JUDGES
The bible also says in Phillippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengetheth me. 
We can make it with Christ. The bible says not to say we're weak but to say we're strong! 
Isn't it great to know that all we have to do is speak His name, to call on Him and He's there?! 

I'm asking ya'll to find a scripture in the bible that goes along with this....also remember the challengs...I want you guy's to get involved...if you can't figre out or can't comment on the blog itself...leave me a comment on facebook!  Look forward to seeing the scriptures and your thoughts, and getting the answers to the challenges.

Be blessed & Be encouraged! ~God can use you~
Evang. Patti Smith


  1. 1. Patti the scripture is Is. 40: 31

    2. Deborah

    I think # 2 is right but I am going to check. Love the study!!!

  2. Patti, I also wanted to say that many times I have rushed head strong into something without waiting on God and I made things so hard for myself. Things go so much smoother when we let God be in control. It's a hard lesson to learn but oh so worthwhile. God sent me a scripture one time when I was in control, Deut. 2:3 YOU have compassed this mountain long enough... and oh how right he was.
